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Welcome to the Farm Recovery Block Grant

Please note: the enrollment period has closed.

The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) administers the Georgia Farm Recovery Block Grant program, in accordance with The Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act as amended by the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 116-20, Pub. L. 116-94). Developed in partnership with the USDA, the purpose of the block grant program is to allocate aid to farmers and forest landowners who suffered losses from Hurricane Michael (2018), that were not covered by existing USDA programs.

By choosing to accept program funds, all applicants agree to:

  • Obtain Federal Crop Insurance or Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program coverage (NAP) for all insurable crops, trees, bushes, or vines for the 2021 and 2022 crops years.
  • Provide consent to the GDA to share producer applications, data, and other relevant documents with USDA Farm Service Agency and USDA Risk Management Agency.
  • Retain financial and production records related to block grant funds for three years following the disbursement of Georgia Farm Recovery Block Grant
  • Meet all additional legal requirements for participating in the Georgia Farm Recovery Block Grant

If an applicant does not meet the crop insurance requirement, fails to comply with record-keeping requirements, or falsifies any information on their application, the applicant will be responsible for reimbursing any funds received and may be subject to additional fines or penalties.